Our elevator pitch.
Perhaps you’ve exited a successful business already. Perhaps you’re part of an investor collective. You see an opportunity worth exploring and need a multidisciplinary team to help you do it. As an investor you understand the importance of testing the market and validating your assumptions with data before you invest further.
This is what we do. We help explore, expand and articulate your vision. We use lean startup processes & methodologies to reduce risk & uncertainty and confirm with strong evidence that your idea is very likely to work. We offer UX, UI, project management, user testing & full-stack development in one team.
What we can do for you.
- Run with nothing but a high level objective or idea
- Research a market, identifying the bright spots of innovation
- Create a wide range of imaginative, innovative concepts
- Help you select the most interesting and lucrative opportunities
- Validate concepts & business models with real users & data
- Help define, test & validate your idea’s value proposition
- Build a database of future users
- Create wireframes, interactive prototypes & UI designs
- Help define, test & validate your idea’s Value Proposition
- Create early branding, names and logos
- Reduce risk & uncertainty
- Confirm with strong evidence that an idea is very likely to work
- Arm you with data to engage and excite stakeholders
- Build anything, from an MVP to enterprise product
How much does it cost?
A lot depends on what stage you're at and what would be most useful to you. With a budget of £5,000 - £30,0000 we can add precision value where you need it most all the way through to confirming with strong evidence that a concept is very likely to succeed.
Our process is flexible, so there’s plenty of scope to add or remove parts of it depending on your needs and budget.
The best place to start is with an intro call where we can learn more and walk you through different options.
How long can you stick around for?
For as long as you need or want us. Our expertise is to get products off the ground. Once in flight we can continue as your team or begin a process of handing over control to an internal team.
What can I expect from the process?
Our methodology and processes dramatically increase your chances of success but the only thing we can truly guarantee is our creativity and data. Data that tells you more about your idea and whether or not it is likely to succeed in contact with the real world with real users.
Investors more than anyone appreciate that not all ideas succeed. We help you to validate your idea and move it forward, or 'fail fast' in the process so that you can pivot or move on more quickly without expending further capital.
As entrepreneurs ourselves we’ve experienced our fair share of failures and wear them as a badge of honour, so we can assure you that we’re on the same page.